Color for improved organization

Boar Semen doses

There are various little tricks possible for optimizing the efficiency of your teams, but also limit the risks of mixtures between boars terminal semen and pure semen. Indeed, do you know the “Poka Yoké” technique (translated by anti-error from Japanese)? It is a continuous improvement technique that has two main aims: on the one hand, avoid … Read more

Tips & Tricks on breaking in boars

Young boars inside quarantine

Before a young boar enters your center, there are a number of steps to follow: quarantine, blood tests, vaccinations and, above all, the first collection from the boar. Thus, the collection career of a boar begins from quarantine. The boar must be taught to mount the dummy as naturally as possible in order to stimulate … Read more

Video – Protocol for entering a boar stud

Professional boar stud

In this video, Duc PHAM, technical director at GenePro, will present the protocol established by Genes Diffusion to enter inside a professional AI center. This protocol is crucial to secure the biosecurity of your stud and avoid any potential external contamination. Every employee has to follow this protocol to guarantee the security of your boar … Read more

Best practice in artificial insemination of sows

Detection of the heat of the sow

Artificial insemination in swine farming has numerous advantages, but even with the ease of handling, some details are fundamental to achieve the best results! Check out the key points of this practice. This article has been written by Kebb Borstnez during her master thesis in Animal production and health at IFC AraquariTechnical and by Dr. … Read more

Video – Negative impact of a flow during a semen analysis with a CASA system

Negative impact of a flow during a semen analysis with a casa system

When you analyze boar semen on a CASA system, it can sometimes create an unwanted flow of spermatozoa. This flow can have a negative impact on your result. It is important to stop this flow to avoid any bad influence on your boar semen analysis result. For that, Duc PHAM, technical director at GenePro will … Read more

Concentration inside your blisters : Which methods of homogenization to choose ?

GenePro Blister : semen bags for boar semen

Extender quality, control of the production parameters, good laboratory practices are beyond the numerous factors that can influence the homogeneity of your boars’ semen. Beyond those there is one simple thing we must also consider : operators do not always mix the semen before filling the blisters or sampling to analyze the concentration for instance.

What interval is required between collecting from the same boar to optimize the management of your AI center ?

Boars collection

are at the heart of our business: they are the key to producing good quality semen. However, there are some questions: What are the consequences of collecting semen from boars too often? Or on the other hand, a collection rate that is not frequent enough? What is the ideal time interval between two collections?

Support for your GenePro Casa Slides : How will they give you more consistent analyses using your CASA ?

Support CASA slide

Slides are essential for analysis with a CASA system.  For this purpose, GenePro has developed a slide support to make the results more uniform.What precautions must be taken before using a casa slide? What are the common errors in a CASA analysis? How can a GenePro slide support simplify your analysis?This article describes how GenePro … Read more

Have you thought about an admission form to enter your AI stud ?

Admission form for entering an AI Stud

Health measures must be very strict to preserve your AI stud from all potential external contaminations. Entry to the center should be controlled to ensure that a visitor will not pose a health problem as a result of their visit.What are the right questions to ask these visitors? What are the points that must not … Read more

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